Relationships and Health Education (RHE)
Relationships and Health Education Policy:
At John Gulson Primary School we believe that PSHE and RHE helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, accepting, active and responsible citizens.
At John Gulson we use Jigsaw, which is an original and comprehensive scheme of work that ensures the current Primary PSHE objectives are covered at age appropriate levels and covers the RHE requirements for primary (from Nursery through to Year 6). Following a thorough consultation with parents/carers, pupils, staff and Governors, we opted to change the final unit of the year from 'Changing Me' to 'Empowering Me'. A bespoke unit was written ensuring that safeguarding and inclusivity was at the heart. It integrates personal, social, health and economic education with emphasis on emotional literacy, mental health and social, moral, spiritual and cultural development (SMSC) as well as enabling us to meet the duty placed upon us for RHE. We also teach our children about the Equality Act 2010 and the protected characteristics. We use stories as a medium to discuss equality and teach about tolerance, acceptance and life in modern Britain.
Our Jigsaw themes are:
- Being me in my world
- Celebrating differences
- Dreams and goals
- Healthy me
- Relationships
- Empowering me - this unit has been written by the school in conjunction with parents, carers, staff and children.
What our children have to say
In our recent pupil survey (January 2024), this is what our children had to say about PSHE, RHE and the impact that these subjects have on them and our school:
My school is inclusive – I know everyone is always welcome.
I am always encouraged to do my best and be aspirational. I want to be a heart doctor when I am older.
Girls can do whatever job they want to do! Even be a footballer! I love football and I am glad I can play for John Gulson.
I enjoyed learning about money. I found out about saving and spending – I think this is really important for my future.
Children's RHE Work
PSHE Progression Map 2023-2024
Summer 2: Empowering Me (Bespoke Unit of Work)
Please click on the below year groups to view the information surrounding the "Empowering Me" bespoke unit of work for each year group.
Years 1 and 2
pshe summer 2 planning years 1 and 2 .pdf
Years 3 and 4
lks2 pshe summer 2 planning.pdf
Years 5 and 6
years 5 and 6 pshe summer 2 planning.pdf
In Summer 2, Reception complete the Unit 'Changing Me' as per JIGSAW as this continues to embed the changes from baby to toddler and prepares the children for future Science lessons.
At John Gulson, we deliver a curriculum that supports the children in learning to know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. We promote the importance of understanding and respecting our common humanity, diversity and differences, so that they can go on to form effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
Through Jigsaw, topics that are relevant to children living in today’s world are covered and it helps them understand and be equipped to cope with modern issues such as body image, cyber and homophobic bullying, and internet safety.
Jigsaw’s mindful approach teaches children to become aware of their thoughts and feelings. Each Jigsaw lesson begins with ‘calm me’ time so that children feel relaxed and ready to start their learning. The breathing techniques learnt can then be used by the children at other times.
Across the year, the children find out about their responsibilities, rights and duties as individuals and members of communities. They are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school and communities.
Opportunities for responsibilities in school include Head Boy and Head Girl, our United Nations School Council, Mental Health Champions and Eco-Warriors.
As part of our Empowering Me Unit, we use the NSPCC Pants resources to ensure that our children are being taught about what is acceptable and unacceptable when knowing how to be safe. For more information, please use the link below:
Teaching About the Protected Characteristics
At John Gulson, twice weekly sessions are delivered to all children from Year R to Year 6, about the Protected Characteristics. The first session is usually led by a member of the SLT and then the follow-up session is led by the class teacher. We use a range of texts to deliver these sessions. We also use use these sessions to discuss topics such as consent and safety.
the teaching of the protected characteristics 2023 2024.pdf
Please click on the below year groups to view the texts for each year group
Reception Text Overview 2023-2024
Year 1 Text Overview 2023-2024
Year 2 Text Overview 2023-2024
Year 3 Text Overview 2023-2024
Year 4 Text Overview 2023-2024
Year 5 Text Overview 2023-2024
Year 6 Text Overview 2023-2024
Autumn 1 Whole School Overview 2023
teaching about the protected characteristics slt rota autumn 1 2023 2024.pdf
Autumn 2 Whole School Overview 2023
Spring 1 Whole School Overview 2024
Spring 2 Whole School Overview 2024
To be confirmed
Summer 1 Whole School Overview 2024
To be confirmed
Summer 2 Whole School Overview 2024
To be confirmed